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assalamualaikum wbt :) korg sehat tak? korg prnh dgr tak ttg MYIASIS? tak prnh? prnh? well, ni mksd myiasis yg aku curi dr abg WIKIPEDIA.
Myiasis (pron.: /ˈmaɪ.əsɨs/ or /maɪˈaɪ.əsɨs/) is the infestation of the body of a live human being or other vertebrate by fly larvae that feed on its tissue. When the attack is directed against dead or necrotic tissue, the condition is not necessarily harmful and the effects may be of value as maggot therapy. Colloquialisms for myiasis include flystrike, blowfly strike, and the victim or the tissue may be described as fly-blown. The name of the condition derives from ancient Greek μυῖα (myia), meaning "fly". Because animals cannot react as effectively as humans to the causes and effects of myiasis, such conditions present a serious problem for livestockindustries, causing severe economic losses worldwide.[1] Although infestation by fly larvae is much more serious[vague] and more prevalent in animals, it is relatively frequent in humans in rural, tropical and subtropical regions, and often may require medical attention.[2]Myiasis varies widely in the forms it takes and its effects on the victims. Such variations depend largely on the fly species and where the larvae are located. Some flies lay eggs in open wounds, other larvae may invade unbroken skin or enter the body through the nose or ears, and still others may be swallowed if the eggs are deposited on the lips or on food.[2]erk? tak paham eh? ni. aku translate utk korg :) Miasis (disebut: / maɪ.əsɨs / atau / maɪaɪ.əsɨs /) adalah serangan badan seorang manusia yang hidup atau vertebrata lain oleh larva lalat yang memakan pada tisu. Apabila serangan ditujukan terhadap tisu mati atau necrotic, keadaan ini tidak semestinya berbahaya dan kesan mungkin nilai sebagai terapi ulat. Bahasa sehari untuk miasis termasuk flystrike, blowfly mogok, dan mangsa atau tisu boleh digambarkan sebagai fly-besaran. Nama keadaan berasal dari purba μυῖα Yunani (myia), bermaksud "lalat".tak paham jugak? erm, korg bukak Mak Cik Google lha, tgok sndiri. tak pun, korg klik INI
cukup dgn gmbr tu? msti geli korg tgok kn? same lha. aku pun mseh geli jugak tgok bnde tu. serammmm :s bukan kt haiwan ke kene. manusia pun dpt. so, jaga hygiene korg. jgn pakai pkaian dlm yg lembab. sbb bnde tu mudah membiak. erm, tu je kot. thanx for reading. ada jugak ilmu korg msok ckit kn? |